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Sunday, December 09, 2007

My first confession: What it feels to be an addict..I am one..

I badly need to let out my first confession that I am an addict..
"Addicted to what?" is your first question right?..Well..I am addicted to....Stationery!!!!
I felt like writing on this now coz I had been to Odyssey today with my best mate Janani and even after spending more than an hour over there I was not at all willing to step out..Only if someone could sponsor me for all my stationery,I would be the luckiest person in the world!! ;)

So what did we do today at the stores..Well,Here I go..
First we went into the greeting cards section and explored each and every card that looked cool..There were so many to choose from..Then we walked to the shelves that had those coffee mugs,woooo I fancy them,but I dont own one coz I dont want them to come and suffer amidst the junk at home here.. :) We explored them too..

And now comes the real fun..Proceeding towards the stationery section..Colorful ! Vibrant ! The sight of stationery gives me so much energy within!!Ask me to go around and explore them for the next few days continuously and I would forget hunger and sleep..Seriously! I am addicted to them!I am damn crazyyyy about them!!!!

Though I own only minimal stationery with me,I always love to explore them at the stores..U hav so many to choose from..and,and the colors,designs and the way they are packaged bring a huge smile onto my face!! :D The sketch pens,water-color paint boxes,crayons in wax and plastic,different markers,color pencils,highlighters,wooden pen-stands,NOTEBOOKS with those creative covers in all colors,Glitter pens,glitter tubes,glasspaints and yeah,I need to mention about the acrylic colors-the way in which they were arranged in the shelves,U will definitely want to buy them..I feel like going back to the store nowwwwww!!!!Then,those cute notepads,colorful stick notes,flowery and cartoony files,pouches and what not..I would go on and on and on..

I just fetched myself a 5-subject notebook,sparkler tubes,colored paperclips and two kutti pouches..I know thats very less,but half of the cash got burnt in this..So I couldn't pick more.. :P Hey how can I forget to mention Janani's expressions every second..She was lik,"Ayooo Seekram vaa..Enough of ur collections..!" Hehehe..I couldn't stop myself from running through all the sections..I badly wanted to explore everything there..And its like this for me-How many ever times I visit and bookshop/stationery store(Landmark and Odyssey) it seems like the first time for me! Exploring stationery doesn't tire or bore me! I would always wish to try new varieties,but I need to mind my expenses too..I don't spend much,but would love to! :P I would love to own the entire stationery section of the stores :P ,but unfortunately..rather obviously I can't!

And today a sweet scene caught my attention in the store..A mom was browsing through all those cartoon,crafts and coloring books and her little daughter(hardly 3 yrs old or so) was smiling and exploring the shelves on her own alongwith her mom..Too sweet..I will do that for my kids too..I would or I atleast hope to pamper them with all stationery that I have always longed to buy!! :)

I have always wished for having a room at home for myself which I could decorate it into the funkiest place in the universe with all junk and colorful 'stationery'.. :) But the idea of having a separate room is still under process..Hope my wish gets fulfilled soooooooon! :D Pray for meeee ppl! ;)

I can tell you for sure that 'Stationery are the best tools to bring out the creativity in you'..Without them U can't,I am speaking in terms of arts and crafts..I fancy them so muchhhhh..My love for stationery is boundless!!Thats it for now..I wanna scream this on the streets once again-"I loveeee collecting stationery!" He he he..And my second confession-I hate to lend them to others! Perhaps U might feel that to be mean..I do feel bad for saying a 'No' when somebody wants to borrow mine..But the fact is "I am very very much possessive about my stationery,be it a small eraser or sharpener,I am extremely possessive about them!!" :) So next time U wanna borrow mine,I will give it to you only if u can return it safely back to me or else 'Think twice about the borrowing part'..and thanks for that too! ;) :)

-With love and warmth,
HariPriya :)


At 8:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ne chinna ponnu-nu appo appo prove panre...

Stationary??!!Ofcourse everybody in one stage of life is fascinated by this.. Its a cute confession anyway...:)

The best part was
"Don't borrow from me"
"I'm possessive about them"
He he he he

Kiddy girl....


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