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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This is sensible....!

Received a mail with the following lines in it..Felt them to be really sensible,atleast for me and I post it here for you to read and realise..I too realised something on reading it..

Ordinary People

Walking on the road, we pass so many people. Some look confident, purposeful, well-dressed, well-maintained. But the majority appear so ordinary, wear ill-fitting clothes, unfashionable footwear, have too much fat or too little, nothing remarkable about them, nothing attractive.

But yet someone somewhere eagerly waits for this unimpressive man to come home every evening.
Someone's entire world turns around the strength of this frail-looking woman.
Someone's very purpose in life hinges on this brash youngster cutting through traffic.
Someone knows only the shelter of these old arms each time their world begins to crumble.
Someone will count hours, minutes, and weep like a child when this pock-marked face alights from a long-distance train.

Someone will cave in, crack up, and never be the same again if this one person disappears from the face of the world.

"There are no ordinary people."


At 12:27 PM , Blogger Arvind Natarajan said...

this is not an ordinary post either :)
hari,b4 i proceed wit my comment will u really really strt treating me as ur very own brother??
pls pa......its a request.
ok nw listen,every single creation in this world has significance.same goes to me n u,if i were to put it simple terms,hmmmmmm let me think......have u ever thought how significant mosquitoes are??
ask a person researching on the same n u ll knw,all we do is snap 'em but the livelihood and dreams of many researchers are dependent on them.i knw its a stupid example but even simple things in life are significant.
somethin tats significant to me may not mean anythin to u,but i cant fight over it claiming that u too ve to value it,life s lik tat :)

At 6:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

one man`s trash is another man`s treasure :)

I totally agree with what hari says, everyone and everything has a significance/importance/reason , nothing happens for the heck of it, it may not look to be !(logical/reasonable) when it happens, but with the course of time, Everything makes sense :) that is life my friend, so smile when a mosquito bites and say thnakyou :D


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