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Monday, March 30, 2009

A spark in the mind..

I am now blogging from my classroom. I know it has been long since my old post, and I don't want to repeat the usual excuses I give. You know why I actually logged into my dashboard to blog now? It is because my juniors are in my class now discussing about the use of blogs.Yes, they are seated just behind me. So I was reminded that I too own a blog and I ought to update it.
Life is becoming hectic. It is the case for every human, but it is unusual for me right now. I have never been this busy before I guess. Lots of assignments..and whoever I meet during my day, the first thing I start the conversation with is, "Oh so much work you know, we are burdened with assignments!". Its the usual cribbing and complaining, I know..But what do I do? It is the reality. Ok so, I have been thinking if I have become poor in time management and stuff too, due to this phase of my life. Yes I need to learn how to manage my schedule so that I can complete all the work.

A lot of things have been happening with respect to formal incidents, for the past one month or so in my life. I even learnt a few values. One such thing was when Mr.Sridharan had come for a guest lecture for our nss unit-4. He was talking about the responsibility of students, dedication, etc. And I had this question to ask him, "When it comes to teamwork, if a member is found disinterested or isn't coordinating with the group what can we do to them?How do we bring them into track and make them realise their responsibility?". He just answered that It depends on the person. So if we need to make them work, just try giving them an incentive. Encourage them. But before all that, we you start with team work- Sit down together. Lay down certain rules for the team in that particular assignment. Let it be a collective work,i mean the work of deciding rules for the team. Example, you can decide that all of you should stay back every evening for one hour for the project discussion.. So this means that every member is promising to adhere to the rules in the beginning itself. And also specify what penalty they have to pay if rules aren't followed, like you will have to quit the group at the extreme cases of not obeying. So there is an acceptance in the beginning itself. The next point is- if you have decided to voluntarily head the group, motivate others by telling them how they would benefit from this project. U see, 'bribe them',not with money..but with words. Anyway it doesn't mean that you have to be their Guru. Finally if you find them really going against the group, be ruthless. Its better to chase away a diseased element, than to let the remaining elements to worsen." This is what he had to say for my question. I hope these words did give me some gyan and improved my patience in this aspect. I am trying to be a better leader I would say.

I have more to say..But We are having our web designing lab now..This post will be continued..The experience that I had while we practised and performed streetplay for a campaign by our seniors..Keep watching the space for it! :)

-Warmth and love,


At 9:06 AM , Blogger vasanth said...

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At 9:15 AM , Blogger vasanth said...

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At 9:17 AM , Blogger vasanth said...

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At 10:30 AM , Anonymous hp said...

sometimes u know, if u dont please them by requesting them to work, there is always a chance of them turning against you while the project is to be put into action..kadasila kaala vaari vidaradhu :P so wat to do ..at times we need to request kindly to cooperate only..

At 9:26 AM , Blogger vasanth said...

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