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Saturday, December 30, 2006


->>Dedicated to the best buddies who were with me in school<<-
* "I'm so scared of everything. I'm scared of how things will turn out when I'm gone. We may say our friendship will last forever. And I do believe our friendship is strong and will never fail because neither one of us will allow it to, but we have no control over the distance that stands between us. It scares me knowing that you are going to be laughing and smiling with someone else other than me. And what scares me the most is that someone is going to take my space as your best friend. I can't bare the thought that when I'm sad and crying, someone else is going to be here wiping my tears from my face."

* "I'll never find another friend to take the place of you. No one will ever touch my world exactly like you do. No one who's quite so thoughtful, no one I cherish so. No one will mean so much to me, I just wanted you to know."

* I'll be the sun on your gloomy day,
I'll be the light that shows the way,
I'll be your friend who listens to it all,
I'll be there to catch you when you fall,
I'll be there through the good days, the bad days, even the in betweens,
I'll be there for you my wonderful friend, I promise to you, forever and always.

* You came into my life not too long ago
And I want you to know that I'll miss you so
You mean more to me then just a friend, pal and a buddy...
You're the person I come to when my life is really cruddy...
Now that the year is coming to an end I hope that our friendship will never bend...
Like I said...
I'll miss you so
And I'll never let the memories of our friendship go !


Precious friendship quotes:

-> "Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend,as you will always find me yours."
- Ludwig van Beethoven

-> A friend is a person to laugh and cry with,
An inspiration,
Someone who lends a helping hand,
though friends may not be forever,
And they may not end up together,
The memories of a true friendship will last forever.

-> Friends in high school are forever young.
Unchanged, they're where you always will belong.
The crowd is never gone, the pleasure stays,
The music of the moment always plays,
The time remains a field of wistful grace
To which you may return from anyplace.
Of course, you may still know them later on
When you are someone else and years have run;
And you may love them dearly, and they you,
But time must make their friendship something new.
Meanwhile, flourishing within your heart
There is a whole, of which you were a part:
A group of friends, one in love and pain,
In whom your longing comes alive again.


~~ ONE LOVE ~~

I am writing this specially for my school friends.

Life is a glorious gift that God presented us with.My dear friends,you are the glorious gifts that life presented me with !

I love you all to the greatest degree.I will never ever be able to get friends like you.I feel on cloud nine when I think about you people.You are precious gems to me.You made the most distinguished days of my life.The times we spent together will be cherished forever.

I feel elated that my school life gave me the most bubbly,animated,lively,cheerful,enthusiastic,energetic and high-spirited friends.I keep adoring their priceless nature.We never used to ignore each other for any cause and even if it happened at times,it was not for long.Though we used to have small silly arguments, those did not brush away the affection we had for each other.School was the only place where I used to enjoy a lot in the company of the most lovable friends.The merriment,glee,hilarity,laughter,highspirits,light-heartedness,liveliness that I experienced with the most dashing friends of mine in school is unparalleled.

Our unforgettable school life is still in my heart..those memorable days of fun.. those mirchi stuff we used to do together.. the class discussions.. hanging out at one of the worst canteens on this land[:P].. the never-ending assembly programme practice.. those early morning rushes to complete the display boards.. the prayer sessions that used to eat up half of the first hour.. the 40-min long wait for the each hour to get over.. the marchpast practice after school hours for sports day.. the external competitions that we used to take part and win prizes.. the culturals practice.. the voluntary service during school functions.. the punishments from principal and VP.. those PT classes to which some of us used to take our books to study for the test in the next hour[:P].. the fast revisions before entering the exam halls.. last bench chats.. and did I forget anything else??..

I just can't forget my last two years of school life.Those were the years when I got my ever-lasting friends.Those were also the years when I was able to establish contacts well with my old friends too.I got the most wonderful people on earth as my friends.I swear you will remain in my hearts till my end.

"Hey my dear friends,you have no match.I just can't compare you with anybody else."

Well.. Anyway time keeps sliding away giving us pleasures and pains in the long run.Really true ! Life is totally different now.I loved school more than this.And the saddest part is that I won't be able to get it back.The nostalgic moments keep lingering in my mind every now and then.I wish we all had studied together after school too.The pain takes over my senses unpredictably and there I am,digging my head into the pillow with tears rolling down my cheeks.

" Best friends never tell each other they are best friends, they just know. People say true friends must always hold hands, but true friends don't need to hold hands because they know the other hand will always be there. " I wanted you all to know that you are the most valuable friends I have ever been gifted with.

If at all I look back in life and try discovering my love, I will find that I had only ONE LOVE-"MY SCHOOL LIFE AND MY SCHOOL FRIENDS".

I miss my good old school days ! :(

I Love you all so much ! No one is going to take your places forever in my life. No one !


Thursday, December 21, 2006


#Scroll down for Part-2#

We are beginning our journey again to tour the paradise on Earth.The places that we are going to explore in the final stage of our trip are Gulmarg and Pahalgam.

We are travelling to Gulmarg from Srinagar in our tempo traveller and it takes around 3-4 hrs to reach the foothill of the mountains.From there we need to hire horses to proceed to the peak of the mountains.If one visits the place in winter season, snowflakes can be seen at the foothill itself,but during the summer we need to go to the top to experience the real chill.However the ride on the horses to the hilltop is exhilarating.As we progress, we rejuvenate ourselves by singing 'Chal mere Ghoda....' ! :)

Gulmarg is one of the dazzling tourist spots in Kashmir.The horses that we ride on are well trained to walk on the stony and rocky path and they are led by the horse men.Atlast we are here at the top after a chilling ride for 3 hrs.Oh..wow..Snowflakes all around us..We are experiencing biting cold here.But anyway the special leathers boots that we hired at the foothill protect us from the freezing weather.There are a few men on the top who earn their living by asking out the tourists for a sledge ride.They have a sledge made out of wood with which they offer you a ride for around Rs.40.Its not a sophisticated ride ,but its real fun.How could we miss that out! From this place,the horsemen point out to us, the famous mountain peaks like Nangaparbata and Siachen glacier army border.What a breath-taking view!.Finally we begin our descend journey after having a good time, making snowballs and enjoying the sledge ride.It takes only around one and a half hours.

The next place we will be visiting now is Pahalgam.Pahalgam has been enriched by mother Nature with a baffling beauty.We now book our rooms in a hotel which has a wonderful lawn and a streaming river flowing in the front,that is visible from the window.It is very pleasant to listen to the tides' gentle sound all through the night.The next day, we start to the Liddar river.We reach the place and we are here to spend our time on the banks of the Liddar river.Just try to step into the water..You are not going to believe this, its icy-cold! You just can't resist standing in it for more than a couple of minutes.Collecting pebbles there is another interesting thing to do.After relaxing a bit, we head towards the Maamaleshwar temple nearby.The weather is still cold.As we reach the place, we shift from the feeling of excitement to a sense of spirituality for a while, having the dharshan of Lord Shiva inside the small cave temple.This temple has also been included in the list of historical monuments in India.Thats really great! As usual let us click a few pictures.Lastly, we get back to the hotel and pack up for our return.

Thus begins our homecoming journey. That was an incredible experience! Wasn't it??These sweet memories will keep lingering in our mind forever. Kashmir is an awe-inspiring place indeed.So, we come back with golden memories of visiting one of the best locations in the world.Let this feeling of elation remain in our hearts forever!

The journey ends with a happy note!

Friday, December 15, 2006


Scroll down for PART-1..

Now Guess what? We are travelling to the most exemplary place in Kashmir.. SRINAGAR! Man..!..This is going to be awesome !!

We are starting from Katra in a tempo traveller.The estimated time of travel on the Jammu-Srinagar highway is 10 hrs.And its definitely going to be the most enjoyable trip.As progress on the twisting and turning mountain roads, we can catch a glimpse of the Kashmir valleys, flowing Jhelum and Chenab rivers and the greeneries around.We see Jawans on our way and cheerfully shout out 'Jai Hind' at them, and they reciprocate to us.Thats really a patriotic moment to relish.

We are also stopped at some places by army personnels for security-checks.Now we will be passing through one of the famous tunnels in the world, The Jawahar Tunnel. On our way, we can see warning boards cautioning us about landslide areas,avalanche areas and steep roads.Its indeed really a tough life for people living in hilly terrains.The journey around the hills seems to be never-ending.At last, we reach our destination with tiredness as well as a sense of excitement inside.

Its really cool to sit out at the Kashmiri dhabas and have a nice breakfast.Now you know what? We are going to stay in the houseboats constructed in the Dal Lake.The fastidious way of construction steals our hearts.One can reach the houseboat from the shore only in 'shikaras'.At twilight, the streaming lake glitters with the lighted houseboats.We can also have a good time if we go for a 'Shikara ride' for about 3 hrs around the lake.We sail through the slow tides and come across the garments shops, antique shops, and all other shops situated in the lake itself, in the form of houseboats.When all this is over, we return back to our houseboats where we are going to spend our night. Its so sweet of the people out there who serve you with steaming hot food as dinner.The menu includes rotis, Aloo sabji, Jeera rice, Chawal with dal, Curd, etc. (Slurp !!)..

The next day we start for the visit to the beautiful gardens.We visit the Mughal Gardens, the Nishath Gardens and the bubbly and bouyant colours of the flowers transfix us.To make a mention about the roses..,Kashmir is famous for them..All roses clad in exuberant colours of pink,rose,red,white,yellow and what not!!Oh gosh..How could we forget to take some snaps??Wasn't that a marvellous experience??

We can also do a bit of shopping in the market in the evening.Get a few shawls that Srinagar is famous for, those Kashmiri Embroidery sarees and salwars available in plenty, the antiques and cute little woodenwork momentos and more....So, we finish our shopping and pack up for the next place to visit....A different experience is awaiting out there for us !!




I am talking about the captivating, attractive, scenic beauty that our motherland owns.Guess which place? Yeah exactly, its Kashmir.I visited this place around two years ago and my intuition told me that i must blog about it.Arey what shall i start with.. Kashmir has got an alluring charm.. The places that I visited : VaishnoDevi temple, Jammu, Srinagar, Pahalgam and Gulmarg.With all those wonderful people around, one will enjoy every moment of stay out there.It has got lots and lots of tourist spots, from the exquisite gardens to magnificent lakes and mountains. Of course its a paradise on Earth without doubts. So , come on..I am going to take you on a trip to the fascinating place.Have a nice journey!!

Vaishno Devi , situated at a great height above sea level, can be reached after walking 14 Kms from the foothill situated at Katra.To go to Katra, one has to travel from Jammu by bus , for 2.30 hrs.Now lets begin our travel to Vaishnodevi.We have to undergo security checks at the foothill as usual and then start walking, I mean climbing.Wonderful paths have been laid and so we need not worry about it.We can also reach the top on ponies.But the pleasure of walking on the steep path, raising slogans of 'Jai Mata Di' is a wonderful experience.We can also relax for a while in the 'Vishraam Sthal' available on our way..And lo friends!, Look around as we are now reaching the top.., Admire the gorgeous valleys in all sides. Arent you feeling as in heaven??Let us pause for a minute and take some snaps.Now, after a long walk for 7 hrs, we have reached the 'Bhavan',thats how its called.If we dont have a special person to accompany us over there, we need to wait for a day or two for Darshan.But for us, luckily we have a doctor to come with us and get us the VIP dharshan.So, Its not a big task for us.Now, we are proceeding to the shrine of 'Ma VaishnoDevi'..Obviously,its too cold out here..Isnt it?Slowly, our queue advances further and here we are.., inside the shrine! Its a cave actually and there is a small stream of cold water running by the side inside it.There are three goddesses in the form of 'Pindi' meaning stones.We get a nice dharshan and exit through another way.Really divine place indeed..!!Nextly, lets take a little bit of rest and start our descending journey.We are going to find this a bit difficult as we have to walk in the direction of gravitational force.Its going to pull us down.But we will be careful not to hurt ourselves.So, after a walk of 6 hrs, we reach the foothill not with bare minds,but with the fulfillment and happiness of enjoying our trip uphill and downhill.

After this divine pilgrimage, dont we need a bit of rest.So we will travel to the other tourist spots after a break.