~ One life - Live it ~

The following space will be holding contents about anything and everything from my space

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Add some more to it..

This is the continuation of the previous post which talks about the times when i feel good !

32.Waking up in the morning and switching on my mobile to see more than 2 messages pouring in one by one.[Oooh!:) ]
33.Seeing a small and cute puppy dog or a kitten somewhere.
34.Talking to a small calf that visits our street often. ;)
35.Opening the newspaper in the morning and seeing news about anything that is related to me in someway.
36.Day-dreaming!!!! =)
37.How can I forget this?!?! - A bus with no crowd in it, in my sense, only four or five people inside!!
38.The fact that God has provided me with all basic facilities and for granting me a satisfying way of living. [Thats the reason I decided that I must stop complaining always]
39.Having a high balance in my mobile[Rare case nowadays] :P
40.Having a look at the remaining message count in my mobile before switching it off at night, to find that there are more than 30 messages left in the count.
41.During exam time, a question paper in which I know most of the answers. :D
42.Copy-drawing a cartoon and getting a perfect replica as a result!
43.Completing the given assignments on time.
44.Mom's hot coffee as soon as she returns home in the evening.
45.Learning and exploring new things.
46.Talking to special friend(s)
47.The sight of a majestic mountain or a forest area or anything that pleases the eyes. :)
48.Travelling through a village,in a car, with music in the background, and watching the lush green fields by the sides. Wow!! Awesome!!
49.Sorting my problems with the weapon called 'sleep'.
50.When I am able to act bold in crisis situations.
51.Playing with Sanju, my cousin's kutti daughter :)
52.Buying a new bag [Weird na! :P ]
53.Playing in the swing :) [But nowadays I hardly do that! :( No parks around here!]
54.Eating Jaangiri,Rasagulla,GulabJamun [hehehe]
55.Cooking Maggi noodles.
56.When my net connection works as soon as I switch it on.
57.Nights with no low voltage.
58.Powercuts (Another weird thing! ;) )
59.Receiving colourful forward emails about friendship.
60.Receiving E-cards anytime, thats really a sign of love! :)
61.Sending E-cards.
62.Roaming around inside the book-shop (Especially landmark), but ending up buying nothing'. [I don't know when I am going to be kicked out for that.Hope it doesn't happen to me. =) ]
63.Flipping through the pages of those 'costly' books on animation,graphic design, cartooning, arts and crafts, with one thought in mind-'How nice it would be if I could afford to buy these books'.
64.Looking at those cute and colourful toys,and interesting activity books in the shop thinking, 'One day I will buy these toys for my kids!' :)
65.Hunting for greeting cards with nice messages.

Ah!! I cannot think more now....Will write down when I remember things..Till then Stay tuned! ;)

Emotions in life..

There are times in life when I feel good and there are times when I hate myself. The changes are constant, but not steady.Thats the right way in which I can put it.

Times when I feel good:

  1. Travelling in train with only few people in the compartment.
  2. Driving my Tvs Excel in the 'slow' fastest speed[Aptly said] that it can offer, during the afternoon hours, when the (well-laid)roads are lonely.
  3. The silent smile that i carry when someone appreciates me for my work.
  4. When my dear ones around give me importance and show affection.
  5. Sitting by the window seat in the train,leaning on the side and gazing outside.
  6. Closing my eyes and listening to my favourite number in the radio.
  7. Seeing school friends on my way somewhere and stopping to talk to them for minutes together about anything and everything.
  8. IMPORTANT: To see my friend(s) laughing for my completely silly jokes[I love you all for that! :) ]!! :D
  9. Teasing my cousins back when they make me cry by pulling my leg.
  10. Spending time sitting inside a temple, feeling the calm ambience.
  11. When there are not much people in the temple while I go, and I get some space for myself to talk to the Lord for sometime.
  12. Meeting an old[Old is always gold :) ] school friend in the temple.
  13. Receiving gifts from people around my space.
  14. Watching a touchy scene on television.
  15. Laughing out loud at hilarious scenes.
  16. Screaming aloud and blabbering something when i am at home. ;)
  17. Sitting silently in the classroom and flipping through the pages of notebook during a free hour in college.
  18. When I tell my day's happenings to someone who listens to me completely and reacts appropriately.
  19. When my words are given importance.
  20. When I look gorgeous in a photo [Happens in case of camera's fault mostly :D ]
  21. When I do something that amazes me myself at times.
  22. Listening to my voice on radio after talking on-air in a call-in programme. ;)
  23. The few minutes after going to bed but before falling asleep.
  24. Watching a favourite song on television.
  25. Waking up in the morning to find that its too early to get up and i have few more mins left.
  26. When I buy new garments, or perfect pair of earrings for myself.
  27. Munching a big bar of chocolate(mostly the ones I get free of cost ;) ), all for myself, at a stretch.
  28. Gulping down the ice-cream which my dad had reserved for him to eat. :P
  29. Oops I forgot, travelling in a car sitting in the front seat!! :)
  30. Relishing my favourite dish in a hotel or at 'home'.
  31. When I see the comments for my posts in the blog. :D
And the list goes on, thats all for now..

Disclaimer:Certain situations not revealed. ;)