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Thursday, November 02, 2006

To choose or not to choose..!! The dilemma continues..

"Everything around me seems to be new.Everyone seems to be an alien to me.I step into a completely new place,feeling isolated,solitary,deserted,forlorn....and unassisted.I enter the scene to find similar expressions on other faces too.Thank God,a situation of solace indeed!"

Yeah,that was my first day in college..and it took me this long to park myself in the place.Yet I find myself in a desolate scenario.Its so strange,perhaps funny too, to see yourself with a confused state of mind,struggling with your mind every second to solve some problem or the other.And its even more funny when the problem chases you out of your senses,making it difficult to end up with a decision.I really had to fight through numerous confusions to choose the course that now I am into.

First thing,I need to get along well with the lecturers out here[..Obviously essential when one has to be with them for five years..big deal indeed!]When I just relax after making myself known to all the lecturers,another perplexity creeps in-Finding friends.Actually this is what I wanted to start with in this blog,but ended up stretching the post till this.Never mind..Let me continue..

The next great deal stands before-"Finding friends".Choosing friends is not child's play,that too for a finicky person like me, it becomes even more tough.But I could find a few who really matched my wavelength,and I am in search of my coterie still.This was when,I started learning values in life
."Getting along with somebody takes time.Not to forget this,being possessive will only result in causing misery to others.It is also important to keep a constant notice about the type or quality of peer group we have joined,so that we dont regret for being in the wrong one later.So,choosing friends is a herculian task.Anyway,lets be optimistic and consider this to be a thrilling experience one wont be able to get back,later in life."

This is an endless search which is not at all similar to the google search,we are familiar with,which gives us answers within milliseconds....Just as we sit back after completing one task,the next one is in store for us immediately.So, be 'everready' to face the next challenge!!

And the most noteworthy thing,perhaps amusing too, in this post is that it has made me realize how confused I am,still ..Because I wanted to emphasise on something and ended up saying something else !!


At 6:01 AM , Blogger Arvind Natarajan said...

you ll get along Hari.dnt worry.as Harish said everyone has this confusion and its upto u to get out of it or to stay confused.well since i myself am facing this situation i'm not able to comment upon it.anyways,ALL THE BEST.hope u get the bestest frenz 4 life

At 10:27 PM , Blogger HARI said...

Yep.. Am learning to adapt to the situations right now.... :)


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