~ One life - Live it ~

The following space will be holding contents about anything and everything from my space

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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

My abodo that I created

Friday, April 17, 2009

Zero-tolerance for Non-performers!!

The title of this post was inspired from a news story which I saw on Cnn-Ibn just now. An infosys employee had killed himself after fearing that he will be sacked due to his low performance. And those phrases in the title were mentioned by some person from the administration, in the news feature.I do agree with it. After all its a world of tough competition!!

Yes! "Zero-tolerance for Non-performers" !! Thats the word you will hear when you enter the industry these days!
So I suggest you to better start learning to work with dedication and coordinate well and venture to do any work given to you when it comes to teamwork! Nothing is impossible and it isn't a cliche. Atleast lets say "something is better than nothing!". You know what irritates me the most?- A person takes up a work and backs at the last minute saying he/SHE can't do it. Ok I am not here to go on wailing with my usual cries. I have done enough of it in the previous posts I guess. I would like to tell you about something I have been dreaming about and experienced rarely in my life in the recent past.

Yes, its obviously about teamwork and HOW IT CAN BE MADE ENJOYABLE. Though people aren't ready for it, I want to type down how and all it can be done. Just a few of my random suggestions.

1) Don't crowd the team with too many people. Form a team which you know will really be interested in working for the goal. (I know sometimes you won't be gifted with one like this :( )
2) Have a very nice location where the team can meet up. Perhaps a signature place like places behind our department building, the huge tree in the campus, the usual canteen spot, and so on which I am sure you will find easily. But, a less crowded place is preferable since you will have your own freedom to enjoy the teamwork you do.
3) Allot certain timings for the teamwork. Like one full hour after classes get over.
4) Have an innovative team name which reflects the personality of the members. Make it inspiring, so that you get motivated everytime you think you are part of that team.
5) Think BIG, dream of the success you will be sharing together if you do your work sincerely!
6) Every individual needs to be sincere. Only then it can be called a fairplay.
7) Give each of yourselves small incentives like even a 5star if the work is getting geared up and travelling towards perfection
8) Never mix friendship and work. When its work, its real effort to be put by all the members. And any scoldings, yellings you get from the other teammates should not make you hate them, instead it should urge you to work more and do your part correctly in the team. Thats true "self-realization"
9) Kindly work towards perfection so that you can atleast reach something near to perfection.
Importantly, keep in mind your deadlines.
10) Do not worry about other teams. Dont ever think, "if they haven't started working, why should we?". Thats the only margin of difference that you can show between you and them. BE YOURSELF. DON'T DECIDE YOUR EFFORTS DEPENDING ON ANY OTHER TEAM. This will help you achieve your "goal" with determination.


The winning initiative and inspiration should come from within each individual in the team and only then, all these points are worth it!

All the above views are my suggestions to you. I felt atleast a few of you will agree with a few points put up in this post. Hope it helps! All the very best for your team work! :)

-Warmth and love,
Hari :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

A spark in the mind..

I am now blogging from my classroom. I know it has been long since my old post, and I don't want to repeat the usual excuses I give. You know why I actually logged into my dashboard to blog now? It is because my juniors are in my class now discussing about the use of blogs.Yes, they are seated just behind me. So I was reminded that I too own a blog and I ought to update it.
Life is becoming hectic. It is the case for every human, but it is unusual for me right now. I have never been this busy before I guess. Lots of assignments..and whoever I meet during my day, the first thing I start the conversation with is, "Oh so much work you know, we are burdened with assignments!". Its the usual cribbing and complaining, I know..But what do I do? It is the reality. Ok so, I have been thinking if I have become poor in time management and stuff too, due to this phase of my life. Yes I need to learn how to manage my schedule so that I can complete all the work.

A lot of things have been happening with respect to formal incidents, for the past one month or so in my life. I even learnt a few values. One such thing was when Mr.Sridharan had come for a guest lecture for our nss unit-4. He was talking about the responsibility of students, dedication, etc. And I had this question to ask him, "When it comes to teamwork, if a member is found disinterested or isn't coordinating with the group what can we do to them?How do we bring them into track and make them realise their responsibility?". He just answered that It depends on the person. So if we need to make them work, just try giving them an incentive. Encourage them. But before all that, we you start with team work- Sit down together. Lay down certain rules for the team in that particular assignment. Let it be a collective work,i mean the work of deciding rules for the team. Example, you can decide that all of you should stay back every evening for one hour for the project discussion.. So this means that every member is promising to adhere to the rules in the beginning itself. And also specify what penalty they have to pay if rules aren't followed, like you will have to quit the group at the extreme cases of not obeying. So there is an acceptance in the beginning itself. The next point is- if you have decided to voluntarily head the group, motivate others by telling them how they would benefit from this project. U see, 'bribe them',not with money..but with words. Anyway it doesn't mean that you have to be their Guru. Finally if you find them really going against the group, be ruthless. Its better to chase away a diseased element, than to let the remaining elements to worsen." This is what he had to say for my question. I hope these words did give me some gyan and improved my patience in this aspect. I am trying to be a better leader I would say.

I have more to say..But We are having our web designing lab now..This post will be continued..The experience that I had while we practised and performed streetplay for a campaign by our seniors..Keep watching the space for it! :)

-Warmth and love,

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wake upppppppp!!!!!!!!

I am extremely angry now. I want an outlet to shout out. I just have this blogpost to do that now. So many things happened today.  It is extremely irritating when you have to do all the work and people take false credits for it. This world is almost full upto the brim with people who take advantage of you. Beware! and I think I am a complete foolish person out here. There are people who say they are part of a team, do nothing, not even bothered about to ask how much work is over in your project. But they coolly go about with their own works. Why should I alone leave out and neglect all my priorities in life, forget talking to my loved ones, and go about worrying about the status of the project, run for interviews from place to place.. and the other persons don’t even care to ask you if you need help. They come with you, just keep mum, don’t make efforts to contribute. But all they think is that since they have come along, they have also taken part in teamwork. Idiotic man. I know there are so many of you who have experienced this same thing in life. I dedicate this blogpost to such people who are suffering like me. But there is still one advantage, you get the chance to carry the whole project out on your shoulders, complete things successfully, but what frustrates is you have to give credits to those people who did only 2-3 percent of the work.

And you know the most irritating part? First, they ask “do I have any work to do? Give me some.” What the….!! Man, come on who told me what I should do? Didn’t I take it up on my own? Why can’t you too identify and contribute your part? Why do you expect someone to tell what your part is? Aren’t you grown up enough to know that? When you know all other things out in the world, this project would just be a silly thing. I don’t know about others. But for me, work and friendship are two different things. When it comes to professional work, you should be concerned about it atleast. I mean it, ATLEAST CONCERNED ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON..I just hate this attitude of “Oh there is someone else to do it!” . I forgot this, you know the 3 beautiful words which come after this?-”Am so sorry”! I am controlling myself from putting out words at this particular point. Ok.. as far as I am concerned, no favouring friends when it comes to work. Atleast you got to make the working person comfortable by SHOWING SOME INVOLVEMENT. I never expected this world to be like this. Oh.. It’s a different world out here. It takes you for granted whatever be your situation. Once or twice, it is really okay. But everytime when you are in this situation, you just feel that you don’t need any teams in future!!  And realisation comes only after you try to tap their brains and make it active saying indirectly(or sometimes directly-I don’t do this coz even at such betrayed situations I wouldn’t want to embarrass the other persons) that they haven’t done any work. Just once, make a team and don’t work at all. Lets see what these great people do. And I point out this, this is not head weight attitude, but this was only induced and provoked by people by you. Even if you have all the talents, you have to put it into action, only then will you be respected in a team!! And frankly, this post is directed at certain specific people and I also hope that if anybody else has the same “Why should I care” attitude and is reading this post, pls realize what you are causing to the ‘dedicated ones’ in your team!!!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

It has been a long time since my last post..
I just wanted to begin with few suggestions of what we can do when we feel disappointed after doing a dissatisfied piece of work, or after some politics inside classroom, or when you feel broken and burdened with so much work, or worst case, feel like taking your life away -
1) Have a good hour's sleep
2)Play a kiddish game on your computer
3)Watch a comedy clip on television
4)Watch a feel good romantic movie
5)One thing I would suggest is try to avoid messaging your worry to anybody,because that person might feel annoyed when you do it again and again, and it often sounds like trying to create sympathy though thats not your intention
6)Analyse your faults, accept it to yourself , better feel guilty for it. But dont resort to anything serious like self mutiliation. Just close your eyes and tell yourself, yes it was my fault.But over is over now. And just look forward.
7)Listen to feel good music, the song which makes you smile,blush often
8)Indulge in some relaxing art or craft which interests you
9)Sleep on your chair with your legs on the chair in front of you
10)Atlast you can even try to write a blog post like what I am doing now! :P

These are just a few ways that make you forget the thing that happened,ways to console yourself that it is light and will become alright soon ! But the effects depends ! :D

-With warmth,

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Lacking the initiating spark..

I have never been this happy-go-lucky happening girl in life. Life is all the same down the lane and worsening as days and years pass by. All my aspirations always just in words, but very rarely put into action. I just want to kill my laziness. I want to become my own old self. On a holiday, what would any other girl do..Try cooking,dress up,call friends home or hang out at movies,cafes or atleast study if she is a nerd. But never am I doing all this right now or even nowadays. Surprisingly today I am doing one useful thing, writing it in a blogpost. Feeling disheartened at seeing myself. I want a change! But damn, I dont even have the habit of reading a proper novel, or go out for a good movie, watch a movie atleast on television (Am cursing myself). Its true, I always want people to run errands for me. I know I can never expect it all my life because at one point of time I will have my own family and responsibilities. I am wondering what I am going to and manage at that time. I am just a normal girl, but no less aspirations-always wanted to be the happening one,but never succeeded or even tried to step into that world. 'Happening' does not mean gorgeous,trendy, or wanting to have looks at which people will raise eyebrows. I have put down that word here in the meaning of , what to say, ok 'being active'. I am worried,when will I learn all this?!

I have tried cooking, but not more than making a potato curry or curry out of other veggies. Coming to make-up, that every girl always loves to put on.. ask me what is a mascara,I swear I do not know..I came to know what a 'foundation' means only when I was in my first year of college,anyway I don't have own. I do not own a lipstick either, so no questions about even eye liners or lipglosses because they are all aliens to me. My hair-do, no way.. I am not going to even talk about here! And my wardrobe, nowadays I don't even mind what I wear to any place. I just don't bother about who is going to comment about what.I just want to look decent and wear something that protects me and not provocates! My collection has the same old boring clothes,salwars in which either the salwar or the kameez doesn't suit me properly, blame the tailor or blame me who chose the wrong place to stitch my clothes! My peers usually buy a lot of salwars at a stretch, but I never haven't understood why I should not. When I decide to buy like them, there comes my mom's frowning face. "Mom, did I even ask you to buy clothes for me from Globus or Westside or Lifestyle? Have I ever asked you to? "(though i have wished to own such highstyle stuff)

But now too I thank God because I have not ran short of anything in life, everything is sufficient for my living. But at times either its one of these cases: I wish something,but no freedom to do it or I have the freedom, but I don't wish to do it or frankly 'lack the initial spark'. Like how I am now sitting at home today doing nothing, because mom is off to work, dad is off to official meeting, and am here at home all alone,eating my breakfast at 11 am, having lunch at 4 pm,sleeping,at times crying to myself for no reason..Pls I dont know what has happened to me. Loneliness is encouraging my laziness. I definitely dont want to be a loser.

I think of my childhood, when even on holidays I used to do something or the other like stitching a shabby dress for my barbie,making mango ice cream, making bracelets and stuff out of beads and threads,reading tinkle comics,playing and trying to cook those dry leaves in our garden using my own traditional 'choppu',painting tiles,and so much more..I envy the little haripriya who was so much active. And God I do not know why I am becoming like this now..

Only thing that is still living in me is those slapstick jokes I crack while talking to friends and loads of love for people who really love me and care for me(in words and actions,not just being materialistic) and show interest in my life and career's 'progress'. I feel a bit happy on this part that this lazygoose in me doesn't interfere in this alone.Thank you my dear lazydevil inside me.And do tell me when you will leave me and go?!


Monday, April 28, 2008

Truly felt by heart..

Yet another post on life..but this is a timely one as I am writing this during a small emotional outburst caused due to intraspection of myself and people around me..
Life is really a mystery. I am not cliche'ing anything here but its really true and felt. I don't have enough words to express it. Precisely put, we usually expect some people to be in frequency with us but we end up getting irritated or frustrated with them. You will never have the freedom to correct their mistakes which you think you have the right to,as a friend. But you will never be allowed to or rather you feel scared and hesitate to do it. You are never yourself with them.
Still,you have a few people whom you once thought are not going to be valued by you in life at all, but they end up being close to your heart. Your dear close friends. You feel the instant warmth with them. Though you might fight, argue, insult each other , the next day you both will be laughing thinking of the same. It happens only with the ones with whom your bonding is strong. It all lies in a few words- Respect for space and individuality, Understanding!!
It happens. The uncertainty in the bonding you have,with people around you, and it keeps worrying you all the time. But beware,lets not get lost in these things and forget our careers and life because these people who are close to you will always be with you and for you.
I truly feel my tears whelming now, mixed tears of joy and sadness. I really truly have identified my close friends, and I thank my life for teaching me all this in my journey on this Earth. Hope the bonding lasts forever and doesn't get lost due to small misunderstandings.
And I feel so lucky and I am thanking God everytime for showing me my few precious relations on this Earth. My only wish is that these people whom I have bonded with in life,should always be with me and I am sure I will be with them to help them too in everything.